Sample preparation is an essential procedure in modern chromatographic analysis. It accounts for 61% of the time and 30% of the error sources in the entire analysis. In addition, the proficiency of lab technicians in manual sample preparation can not guarantee accuracy and precision, and long-term exposure to organic solvents also harms the health of lab technicians. RayKol Automated Sample Preparation provides fully automated sample preparation solutions in analytical experiments, to reduce analysis time and improve reproducibility, building a smart, automatic and efficient analytical laboratory.
Sample preparation is a crucial preliminary step of the entire analysis process, its purpose is to obtain a clean and better analytical results by having properly pretreated samples. Through sample preparation procedures, interfering compounds can be removed to minimize noise in chromatographic data, or the analytes of interest in samples can be enriched, to ensure that the target compounds stand out in the results. Additionally, concentration and drying may involve in the sample preparation for better process. Sample pretreatment could be varied depending on targeted analytes and sample matrix. And the common steps of sample preparation is liquid handling, extraction, concentration then purification.
However, sample preparation can be time-consuming and the main error sources for analytical results, and manual operation in sample preparation is the key factor for its errors. To take into account for these matters, automated sample preparation can minimize resource allocation for repetitive tasks such as liquid and solid handling, capping, and sample transfer to boost up laboratory productivity and streamline the workflow. This enables the re-purposing of lab staff to mission critical tasks such as data analysis and reporting. Automated sample pretreatment can also reduce solvent usage and hazardous waste generation while improving analyst safety by minimizing exposure to hazardous reagents and samples.